Saturday, May 21, 2011


Aren't they something? 

When I finally was able to put a word...a concept to that gigantic crush that I found I had on Wonder Woman (at the tender age of 6 or so) I didn't do much looking back.  Of course, finding another out teenager in 1984/85 when I first poked a toe out of the closet in that exact same way you poke your toe into the pool before you just haul off and jump in, was literally impossible.  So, for a very short spell, I paddled over to the boys side of the pool--half heartedly, but over there anyway.

Don't think, for a minute though, that I ever stopped looking at the girls by which I was surrounded.  And boy howdy, did I look.  Eyes and hands.  Those were the first things that I started noticing.  Having been born with rather banal brown eyes and short fingers, I always noticed the girls who had different colored eyes or (and, dear Jesus, help me to breathe, "and") long fingers and strong hands.  I could just fall in love right then and there.

My tastes haven't evolved much over the years.  Lynda Carter is still, to this day, the epitome of my lustful oglings, though t combination of dark hair and dark eyes also does me in fairly easily.  Although, I can almost always find something about a woman that will attract me to her. 

Which brings me to tonight.

I had dinner at a...uhh...friend (?)'s house.  Before i go on, the best way that I can explain away the question mark is to say that since it is SO very early in my acquaintance with her that I don't even know what to call it yet.  "Friend" seems like a little bit of a presumption, but I guess when you have dinner with someone at their house, it makes you something more than just a passing face in the crowd.  In any regard, I had dinner with a woman, that isn't my girlfriend, tonight.  And what's more, the likelihood that I'm going to tell my girlfriend is fall leaf thin. 

Moving right along...

So, "She" and I are talking over dinner and a glass (or two) of wine and I am watching her as she speaks.  There are points in the conversation that she's looking at me, and there are parts where she looks away and speaks to nothing in particular.  It was during one of these glances away that it happened....

While I certainly wouldn't ever deign to say that she is not attractive, it's not something that I work too very hard at thinking about.  And while I wouldn't ever try to feign that I wasn't just a tiny bit attracted to her, I work especially hard at not feeling that.  But then, as she was speaking, she dropped her head down and a tiny bit to the side.  In doing so, a part of her hair worked itself from behind her ear and fell down alongside her cheek bone and hung there for a few seconds before she corralled it, once again, behind her ear. 

But, can I just say, when her hair dropped, I about did as well.  It was a singularly feminine gesture and i felt its presence when it made a knot in my stomach that worked straight up, manifesting itself in my cheeks as a sunburn.  For one brief moment, I lost complete track of what she was saying and fantasized myself tucking that piece of hair back behind the ear from which it fled. 

It was mind blowing.

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